Just a Big thank you to everyone that either participated or Attended
The Great Lehigh Valley Slot and Toy Car Show
Merchants Square Mall
1901 S 12th st
Allentown Pa 18103
We filled the entire hall with almost 170 8ft tables. We had a great mix of everything all groups were represented well.
Mark your calendars for our 2020 Slot Car Shows
February 8th 2020
May 9th 2020
November 7th 2020
Hope to see ya there.
#DieCast, #HotWheels, #Matchbox #Models, #AMT, #Dinky, #Matchbox. #Winross, #Nascar . #Racing #Memorabilia. #AFX, #Tomy ,#Tyco #Tjets, #Dinky,#Hess #Trucks, #Redlines ,#Corgi, #JohnnyLightning., #M2, #Diecast. #AMT, #Majorette, #Mattel, #FranklinMint, #MuscleMachines, #Promos, #allentown, #merchantssquaemall #vrhobbies #valleygoto #toyshow #chevy #ford #mustang #corvette #pontiac #buick #trucks #mack #nostalgia